Instructions for authors

The size of the S+SSPR paper is limited to 10 pages in LNCS format . We do not prepare any over-page charge system. Even if the paper is accepted by reviewers, the final manuscript which violates this regulation will not be included in the proceedings. Please do not abuse the LNCS format by modifying the page size parameters, line spacing or font size. Please ensure that the figures and figure labelling are clear and readable. We do not accept any submission by e-mail. Please submit papers using submission link described above.

Papers should be double blind, that is the authors names and addresses should be blanked out from the first page, there should be no identifying acknowledgements and self citation should not identify authors (i.e. DO NOT USE "In [1] we have shown that...", or "In previous work [1] we have shown that...", BUT INSTEAD USE "In [1] Smith has shown that..."

Some authors may wish to submit papers which are similar to material submitted to ICPR. S+SSPR will accepted such papers provided that at least half of the substantial material in the paper is new (theory and experiments, but not review or discussion). Please state on your submission if this applies to your paper.

All manuscripts (max. 10 pages) must be following Springer's LNCS style (Latex or Word). All papers are submitted via EasyChair in pdf format, and will be reviewed at least two or more anonymous reviewers. Accepted papers (not exceeding 10 pages) will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, providing that at least one author will register to the workshop and present the paper. Camera ready should include all the source files (Latex or Word) and pdf.
The submission website address is